Hair transplants are a common hair treatment process, but they’re also one of the most costly. In this article, we’re going to discuss the different hair transplant techniques available to clients.
We’ll also highlight some of the more comprehensive transplant information, such as who qualifies and the risks involved. In addition, we’ll share with you case studies of each transplant method.
What Is a Hair Transplant?
In simple terms, a hair transplant is a surgical procedure that entails the elimination of hair from one area (the donor site) and transplantation onto another (the recipient site). This is accomplished by a hair restoration surgeon, and it’s one of the most popular hair loss “remedies” on the market.
People within the ages of 35-50 face hair loss issues, besides many solutions, hair transplant is a permanent therapy. Hair Transplant is a one-time process, and although it may seem costly to start, in the long run, it’ll save you quite some money. When choosing to move forward with a hair transplant, there are multiple techniques available, which vary in their way of employment and feasibility.
Below are three types of hair transplant methods used in modern clinics:
Types of Hair Transplant
FUT Technique
In Follicular Unit Transplantation, a long thin fragment of tissue is transferred from the donor area in the sides and back of the scalp, and the single follicular units are extracted from that strip by a stereo-microscopic dissection, the wounds are then sealed leaving a faint scar. Because the grafts are exerted by a stereo-microscope, the hair follicles aren’t damaged. Consequently, the hair grows in a more accelerated manner because the minute channels do not disrupt the blood flow. Lastly, the section of the fabric of the band is sealed by suture, and a very light seam remains, but this scar isn’t visible unless the hair is shaved short.
Benefits of FUT technique:
- More numerous hair follicles can be transplanted in a session
- Can be applied on beard and eyebrow transplantation
- Can be completed in a shorter period of time and is less expensive
- The absence of marks in patients
FUE Technique
The Follicular Unit Extraction is the method of transferring hair grafts from the donor area with a specific instrument and then implanting it on the hairless regions. The advantages of using this method, such as the easy and fast application of the hair culture, have made it more popular than the FUT procedure. With this technique, the grafts are exerted with a special device from the donor region and implanted in channels of around 0.7/0.8mm using individual inserts with no skin band or cutting.
FUE Technique Benefits:
- Faster and easier
- Roots recuperate from 24 to 48 hours
- No incision process and no stitching required
- No deterioration of texture and sense
- The more expeditious recovery process
- The absence of pain post-operation due to the minimal incision
DHI Technique
In a direct hair implantation, the donor’s hair is extracted individually with a unique micro punch. In most instances, this takes place in the middle section of the head. This area is chosen because, in comparison to the front hairline, the crown, or the central head, this area usually is not so severely affected by the hair loss.
The extracted hair is then deposited in a particular nutrient solution before implantation. Consequently, a mini needle referred to as “Choi pin” is utilized to implant the individual hair follicles on the scalp. As a result, incisions can be dispensed by using the DHI implanter. Older techniques of implantation and extraction are more likely to leave scars.
Furthermore, it’s also very advantageous that patients with lengthy hair do not have to shave them off with this process. It’s also crucial to keep the scalp and hair moistened for the first five days following implantation.
DHI Technique Benefits:
- A modern and straightforward method with a natural result
- Since the hair follicles are used directly with a unique implantation tool, no entry incisions are needed
- Dehydration of the implants can be prevented, and active, long-term growth is favored
- The treatment is quick and almost painless
- Thanks to the minimally invasive procedure, no cuts, no sutures, no bleeding, and no scars are needed
Hair Transplant Side-effects?
Difficulties or side effects associated with a hair transplant procedure, usually only last a couple of weeks and are typically minor.
These can include: inflammation, bleeding, or swelling in and around the area where the procedure was done, lack of sensation on the treated region for an extended time, bruising nearby the eyes, and irregular tufts or hair growth of the recently transplanted hair.
After the procedure, your scalp may be somewhat tender. Your consultant will have you wear dressings over your scalp for at shortest a day or two. He may also prescribe an anti-inflammatory or an antibiotic drug for you to take for a few days. Most people can return to work 2 to 5 days post-op.
Within a couple of weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will drop out, but you should begin to notice fresh growth within several months. Most individuals will see approximately 60% new hair growth in 6 to 9 months.
Eligibility for the Hair Transplant
A hair transplant can be prescribed for anyone undergoing partial baldness due to a receding hairline, female-pattern baldness, male-pattern baldness, alopecia, or head trauma. A hair transplant can award suitable candidates with a permanent, natural-looking solution.
The method is not advised for anyone encountering scattered hair loss, spot hairlessness, or for those with inadequate amounts of hair at the donor site. The procedure is also not usually recommended for anyone below the age of 25, since it is challenging to predict the long-term durability of the donor’s hair and the range of future hair decline.
Monetary Costs of Hair Transplants
As with any therapeutic procedure, how much you pay for hair transplant depends on various factors, including the local market, whether you opt for FUT, FUE, or DHI, whether or not you have to travel for your surgery, the specialist you choose and the uniqueness of your case.
That being said, you’ll likely spend a considerable amount. Online surveys place the cost anywhere from $4,000 to $16,000, and those estimates can fluctuate pretty widely.
Because hair transplant procedure is usually deemed cosmetic, it’s unlikely your insurance will help cover it. However, if your hair loss is due to a disease or injury, coverage may be feasible. If you’re considering hair transplant surgery, the best thing to do is get in touch with your insurance provider to see about your options for coverage.
While the cost of a transplant may seem pricey, you have to take into consideration the complexity of the procedure.
Transplantation methods are becoming more advanced, and this is excellent for results. Nevertheless, the more advanced procedures (including FUT, FUE, and DHI) take a lot more experience and time.
In fact, FUT can take anywhere from 5 – 8 hours for one session! And, more extended amounts of time can be expected for FUE.
Case Studies
DHI Technique Case Study
This before and after is a result of the DHI method.
Incisions are usually associated with scaring, and for that reason, the DHI hair transplant process uses the Choi pen technique, which excludes the need for incisions, and therefore as seen in this case study, eliminates the chances of scarring.
Furthermore, there’s no need to stitch the source area where the hair follicles are extracted, so the healing process becomes a lot faster.
The recovery and healing time for this patient was approximately four days.
This hair transplant was done in 1 session, and the duration of the procedure was between 4-6 hours.
FUE Technique Case Study
This before and after is a result of the FUE method.
This is considered a minimally invasive treatment, which means the healing process is much faster. The entire treatment was carried out under a local anesthetic, which made the procedure completely painless. The patient pictured above returned home right after the procedure.
Post-op, the patient’s scalp was very tender, and he was prescribed pain medications for several days. There are no visible scars on donor and receiving areas. This procedure lasted approximately 6 hours. And the before and after images are spaced out over four months, which is when the real results became noticeable.
FUT Technique Case Study
This before and after is a result of the FUT method.
In this specific FUT procedure, a strip of skin from the backside of the scalp was removed surgically. The donor area was sent for preparation under microscopes in small individuals pieces, or grafts, which each contained approximately 1-10 hairs.
The grafts were later implanted utilizing forceps to the bald region. Subsequent to the procedure, the donor area was stitched up. This patient took ten days until the stitches were removed and approximately 20-30 days of recovery.
The procedure was executed under local anesthetic, and the images from the pre-post-op are six months apart when the results became truly noticeable.
It’s perfectly normal for you to be worried about losing your hair. If it’s something you’ve noticed and just ignored for a while, or something you’re just starting to see now, it’s natural to want to do something about it.
Hair transplantation surgery can be very effective for both men and women looking to take back their gorgeous locks, but it’s not without its caveats. It’s expensive, it can take some time to recover, and the session/s can be slightly exhausting (and possibly a bit uncomfortable). But the outcomes are real, long-lasting, and successful.
If you’re considering a hair transplant procedure, then a personal consultation with your doctor is the best means to learn about your options. This appointment is aimed at giving you a comfortable environment to ascertain what method of hair transplantation is best for your unique case. There are a variety of factors taken into consideration when choosing a treatment method such as; the amount of hair, skin type, donor area, and budget. Each patient’s case is different, and what works for some may not be the best route for you.
Your health care provider will be able to guide you through the entire process, choosing the method that will deliver the best hair transplant results.

Pharmacist with special interest in hair loss and hair transplantation.
Read my book on hair transplants in Turkey on Amazon: