turkey vs uk hair transplants

Turkey or UK hair transplant? Where should you go?

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If you are from the UK, in London, Manchester or Birmingham areas; you have 2 big hair transplant options.

Turkey and the UK.

In this article we will compare them and come up with a winner!

  1. Price

There is no doubt that turkey is cheaper.

Simple easy one to start with!

 In a recent survey,  it was estimated that turkey is up to 25% – 35% cheaper than the equivalent procedure in the UK –  even outside of London,  such as in Birmingham and Manchester.

 With a weakening pound sterling,  the saving is probably not as much now,  but Turkey remains a cheaper destination.


2. Quality of hair transplants

  This is extremely hard to assess,  because anyone can claim anything on the internet;  and no one can really verify anything with 100% certainty.

 Having said that,  the consensus is that Turkey provides  superior hair transplant results.

In my extensive reading of forums, i get the impression Turkey does indeed deliver better quality results.  But this is just a personal impression during my research.

 You can still get amazing hair transplants in the UK,  but I personally think the number of clinics that can deliver these amazing results in the UK  is a lot less than in Turkey.

  Since the early 2000s , Turkey has been gaining popularity as the number one destination for hair transplants.   Around 5000 men and women go to turkey every year to have work done.

People wouldn’t go to Turkey for nearly 20 years if they were delivering poor results.  

It’s simple logic.


3. Convenience

 When we say convenience we mean the hassle of travelling  and staying in hotels. and also being away from family.  

I am not going to include taking time off for work because you will do that regardless of where you go.

 The flight from the UK to Turkey is around 4 hours,  so it’s not a long haul flights by any means.   but you have to book a hotel, and you have to arrange transfers.  

You also have to do all the usual for preparations of travel.

 if your hair transplant is in the UK,  you can even potentially go back home the same day.  Although, more realistically your clinic will want to follow up with you for at least  24 hours after the procedure.  You may book a hotel for one night but apart from that it’s hassle-free compared to going to Turkey.

So even though Turkey is a short journey from the UK,  a hair transplant at home is more convenient for most people.


  1. Customer Service

I must confess I know a lot more about Turkish clinics on this front.

 And their customer service is absolutely fantastic!

 Firstly,  most clinics will give you your own “manager”.   This is basically someone who works for the clinic,  and whose job it is to look after you for your entire trip.  

 So this person typically collects you from the airport,  takes you to your hotel, arranges the transfers from the hotel to the clinic and brings you back to your hotel after the procedure.   

Sometimes they even take you on a tour of the city.

If you have any problems you can call them at any time.

And needless to say, all of them speak superb English.

Most clinics in Turkey also offer  all-inclusive package,  where they arrange your flights, transfers and hotels; so you don’t have to do any of that.

The reason we know no so much about Turkish clinics and their customer service,  is because they and their clients, share lots of content on social media and on forums

Offcourse, clinics encourage clients to share their experiences online.  But i genuinely remember very few cases where clients who had work done in Turkey complained about the customer service.

Even those who were last than happy with the results, rarely criticised the customer service.  

 Unfortunately,  UK clinics do not share much on social media.   Although if I had to guess I would say their customer service is equally outstanding, 

Because when people are paying thousands of pounds, they demand perfect customer service.  and if they don’t get it they complain, particularly on social media.

And I haven’t really seen huge amount of complaints about UK clinics online.



Turkey edges it 2-1 !

So it’s clear,  Turkey wins this  by it’s cheaper prices and better quality results.

 The UK remains more convenient for people living in the UK off course.   But when you are paying thousands of pounds, I don’t think convenience is at the top of people’s priorities

9 critical factors in achieving the best hair transplant result

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Here are 9 ways to ensure you have the best hair transplant result possible

  1.  Choose  surgeons from Western Europe, Turkey or North America

Historically these are the areas with the best surgeons and the best results.   

In the last 15 years,  Turkey has overtaken both Western Europe and North America as the destination of choice for cost-effective hair transplants.

The reason Turkey is so popular is that it combines high quality work with extremely affordable prices.  

it is estimated a hair transplant in Turkey can be up to 25%-35% cheaper than the equivalent hair transplants in the rest of Europe and North America.

 25%-35%  is a huge amount when thousands of euros and dollars are at stake. 

2. Check your surgeons credentials


This Means things like medical qualifications,  registration status, specialist training and track record.

 You should also check their membership of professional organisations.   

For example many hair transplant surgeons are members of the International hair restoration surgeons Society. Although this is not a compulsory membership it puts the surgeon in good light in terms of his or her professional credentials.

hair transplant success tips

3. Ensure your WHOLE procedure will be with the lead surgeon of the clinic

In  many clinics,  the actual hair transplant procedure is done by technicians,  and the surgeon only supervises them,  perhaps only making the initial incisions.  

I think you should only go for clinics where the lead surgeon does your entire procedure.  

 The reason I say this is because this is such a crucial procedure for you,  which you paid a lot of money for, and you want the best chance to have your best results.  

 I am not saying technicians don’t do an incredible job,  but it’s the surgeon who is the most skilled person in the clinic,  and that’s the person that can guarantee you the best results.

 Of course if you have a procedure where the technicians do the bulk of the work,   it will likely be a lot cheaper for you; but I think you rather pay more to have the surgeon do all of your work – and perhaps pay extra for the peace of mind. 

4) Avoid very cheap offers

 Never go for a hair transplant that seems very cheap.   There are so many horror stories of people who did this and were left with  horrible results.

  A hair transplant  is a costly procedure to do.  It is technical and laborious.   And it requires some very advanced equipment.   So naturally, it is an expensive procedure to do.

 So if you find a clinic offering rock bottom prices,  you have to wonder where they are cutting corners. and when it comes to a head transplants you do not want any corners to be cut.  

You want to get it right first time as much as possible.

 So my advice to you is if you do not have  a realistic budget; wait until you do.

5) Don’t be tight! 

Do not have the mindset that you are looking for the cheapest hair transplant.   This mindset has got a lot of people in too deep trouble before.

 So I want you to dismiss this out of your mind immediately. 

 But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a budget.   you definitely should.

 But your budget should be dictated by your research.

 you should research the market carefully and that will tell you what a realistic budget for your hair transplant is.

  in my opinion this is the very best way to start thinking about how to budget for your hair transplant.

Your question should be “How much money do i need?”

NOT “How much money do i have?”

 6) Go for smaller sessions

A session  means one hair transplant procedure.  A session can be as small as 2000 grafts inserted,  or it can be a huge one with 5000 or 6000 grafts done.

 If your clinic advises that you need lots of grafts,  I would recommend you spread them over two or three sessions;  rather than pack them all in into one mega session.

Because remember,  your procedure is being done by humans.   and humans get tired ;Which can result in a decline in quality.

And and the other reason you want to have smaller sessions,  is that it gives you you an idea ear about the clinic’s quality of work.   Like “a taster”.

 if the first small session goes well,  then you’ll be more confident to go back to that clinic for more work in the future.

This is a much better strategy committing fully in your first procedure to a clinic you haven’t used before. 

Your prior research is all well and good, but its when the scalpel meets the scalp, that you see how good a clinic is. 

7)   Know your hair type

This will guide your research And play an important role in the clinic you choose.   

The majority of Surgeons are good at transplanting Straight hair.   like that of Caucasian and Asian hair.   

But if your hair type is more curly  like that of African Americans; you probably need to go to a surgeon that specialises in this type of hair. 

In fact your hair type may also determine the  technique used in your procedure. Generally, straight type hair is best suited to the the follicular unit transplantation (FUE)  technique. While the  strip method can work very well for curly hair types.

8) Read as many review as possible

But keep an open mind.   

Unless you see a consistent stream of bad reviews you should not run away from a clinic.   Even the very best clinics do not have a 100% successful track record.

You can find reviews in forums,  on Facebook, Reddit and google.

But bear in mind that some are fake reviews by marketers promoting certain clinics.   And some actively post negative reviews to undermine a rival clinic.

9) Get multiple quotes

This is absolutely vital.

 Firstly this gives you an idea about the number of grafts that you may need.   ideally all clinics should quote you the same number of hair grafts.

if one clinic seems to be either much higher or much lower than the rest,  then avoid that clinic, or at least ask them why their quote is so inconsistent with the rest.

Secondly, this gives you an idea about your budget.  if all the clinics quotes you you $4,000, then you know that most likely this is going to be your budget.  

 So never get one quote and go with that

factors which determine cost of hair transplants in Turkey

4 factors that determine hair transplant cost

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In this article i will explain the key factors that affect the cost of your hair transplants in Turkey and elsewhere.

You MUST understand these if you are to minimize the cost of your hair transplant and improve your chances of having a successfully one.

The 4 factors which determine hair transplant cost

1)      Surgeon’s reputation

Since hair transplantation is mostly a private industry, surgeons can set their own prices.  Usually this price goes up as surgeons gain a good reputation and demand for their service goes up.

The higher the demand, the higher the price they can charge.

2)      Price per graft

This is the cost of each individual hair cluster which is transplanted.  There is no set industry price for this.  So again, clinics can set their own price.

Having said that, the average price per graft in Europe (including Turkey) is around €1.5 – €5.

3)      Number of grafts required

The more grafts you need transplanted the higher the cost.  Let’s say the cost per graft with your clinic is €2; then for every 500 new grafts your cost increases by €1000.

The way to combat this is to spread your procedure over 2 or more visits, which is what I recommend anyway.  “mega sessions” are not only more challenging to do, the huge upfront cost is also difficult to manage for a lot of clients.

4)      Who does the surgery

This may sound strange, but surgeons don’t always do the entire surgery themselves.  Some have a team of technicians who do the graft insertions; and the lead surgeon only does the initial incisions.

Off course, if technicians are doing your surgery it will be significantly cheaper than if the surgeon is doing the procedure from start to finish.

5)      “Extra” services

Most clinics now offer all-inclusive packages which comprise of the hair tranaplant procedure, flights, transfers, hotel and after-care.

Off course these will push up the price because they are almost always more expensive compared to if you arrange them yourself.


8 signs of a terrible hair transplant clinic

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8 signs of a terrible hair transplant clinic

This article gives you 8 signs of a poor hair transplant clinic.  So you can avoid them and give yourrself the best chance of making your hair transplant, in Turkey or elsewhere, a success

  • Extremely cheap price

Hair transplants are laborious and time-consuming; any surgeon worth his soul will charge a fair price for it.

So if you come across clinic quoting prices that are much cheaper than its rivals – avoid them.

  • Consistently bad reviews

The key word here is “consistently”.

One or two bad reviews among hundreds is not really an issue.  Or as they say it isn’t “statically significant”.

And this is even more relevant these days because, unfortunately, there is a horrible trend of “negative reviews” being posted by rival clinics which really confuses potential clients trying to find a good clinic.

  • Limited or no patient photo gallery

A top clinic will be proud to showcase their success stories.  And you want to see these on their website.

Off course clinics will cherry-pick their best results, but you still want to see this.

It shows they at least have SOME success.  It also gives you an idea about they type of patients who have successful procedures with them.

i.e. can you see people with your hair type in the photo gallery?

This is a huge point to note in your research

  • Obvious fake reviews

A good clinic doesn’t need to do fake reviews!

Sometimes in hair loss forums, you see brand new posters appearing out of the blue, posting LONG reviews of a clinic.  They claim to have had successful procedures with them.

Its quite hard to prove the review is fake but when you read it you get the feeling it is – I don’t know why.  The pictures look cropped in odd ways, the facts are vague and there are no specifics included.

But the biggest tell-tale sign is that when the poster is grilled by other members, the story falls apart and he runs away.

  • Lack of verifiable surgeon biography

You want to be able to research your lead surgeon’s qualifications and registration.  If there is no trace of this, or if it does not add up, then bail out!

A pro tip is to check if your surgeon is a member of international hair surgery organisations – this is an excellent father in his/her cap.

  • Very Poor website

There is no excuse not to have a wonderful website in this day an age.

A website is how your national and international audience find out about your services.  It is how you get clients.

If a clinic has a terrible website it shows they are behind times and/or they don’t care about growing their client base.

I refuse to believe  a clinic can survive through “word of mouth” business anymore !

A good website is vital and lack of it raises serious concerns about a clinic.

  • Lack of educational material

Most top clinics educate their visitors on hair transplantation.  Their enthusiasms for the subject really comes through their website.

They usually have a good blog page where they discuss the history, techniques and developments of hair transplantation.

If this is missing, then it doesn’t reflect well on them.  It shows they are not that passionate about the subject or they are too lazy to educate their prospective patients.

  • Consistently poor customer service

Let us be honest, every clinic can slip up in their customer service.  They can become overwhelmed with a surge in queries and customers.

Sometimes they can take days to reply to your email or give you incomplete or inaccurate information.

But this should not happen consistently and you should receive a quick apology and acknowledgement, PLUS an improved service immediately.

However, if you consistently come across poor customer service; walk away.

If they keep ignoring your emails, will they suddenly turn into model professionals on the day of your procedure?

I doubt it!

Real Cost of Hair Transplants in Turkey | 2021 Update

The cost of hair transplants in Turkey is a real mystery to most people – including the experts.

The industry has minimal regulation, and there is no set price for procedures.

So what is the actual cost of hair transplants in Turkey?

Here is what i found.

Turkey offers excellent cost-effective hair transplants

How Is the Cost Calculated?

Clinics typically calculate the cost of hair transplants based on the number of grafts.

Of course, the number of grafts depends on the amount of hair loss.

hair graft cost turkey

For a receding hairline, you may only need 500 to 1,000 grafts. To correct a bald spot and a receding hairline, surgeons often complete 1,500 grafts.

The average number of grafts for a typical patient is 2,000.

This typically provides enough coverage to correct major male hair loss.

The size of your head, the shape of your hairline, and follicular density also impact the number of grafts that you may need to cover a bald spot.

The number of sessions may also impact the cost. The average patient needs 2,000 grafts, which can be completed during a single session using the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method.

With FUE, surgeons remove individual follicular units, each containing one to four hairs. The groups of hair are removed from a donor site where the hair is genetically resistant to balding. 

Common donor sites include the back of the head, chest hair, and other body hair.

The follicular units are then grafted to the bald spot using a fine needle or incredibly small microblade. 

It may take a skilled surgeon about four hours to remove 2,000 units and another four hours to complete the grafts.

If you require additional sessions, the transplant may cost more. However, some clinics may complete more grafts per hour.

Cost is calculated by taking into account: 1) Price per graft 2)Number of grafts needed 3) How much the surgeon is charging for his/her time

Average Range of Prices – High to Low

As mentioned, the average Turkey hair transplant cost $1,500 to $2,000, based on an average session requiring 2,000 grafts.

However, every clinic sets its own prices.

Here are a few examples of estimated prices at popular clinics in Turkey:

  • Asmed – $2,175
  • Longevita – $1,650
  • Hair of Istanbul – $1,350

(These are rough estimates and not official quoted prices)

Hair transplants in Turkey remain the least expensive option for those wanting to cover bald spots.

Along with less expensive prices, Turkish clinics often include additional services in the price, such as accommodations or transfers.

You may also need aftercare services, as surgeons need to follow-up to ensure that the surgery was successful.

Hair transplant surgeons typically prefer to see a patient a couple of weeks after the surgery and again 6 to 12 months later.

Along with the three clinics listed above, Istanbul has many other clinics to choose from. Hair transplant surgeries have become a major source for tourism in the city, supporting a $1 billion a year industry.

The cost of a hair transplant is difficult to work out as it depends on various factors. It can vary from $1300 - $2000 for 2000 grafts.

Cost per graft

The cost per graft varies widely from clinic to clinic.  So it’s very difficult to give a set cost per graft for hair clinics in Turkey.

cost per graft hair transplant turkey

Some clinics charge premium prices because of their popularity and expertise.

Having said that, it is likely the low end of of costs per graft is around $1-$2.  And the high end is around $4-$6.

So, for a 2000 graft procedure, the cost at low end should be around $2000-$4000.  And the cost at the high end my be around $8000-$12000.

For a 4000 graft hair transplant, the low end cost should be around $4000-$8000, and the cost at the highest end may be around $16000-$24000.

I personally think the prices at the low end are much more common in Turkey from the feedback i had.

The price per graft will vary wildly from clinic to clinic. A cost per graft of around $1-$2 is probably a good starting point for hair transplants in Turkey.

Are Hair Transplants Less Expensive in Europe and North America?

If you are not convinced that Turkey offers the lowest prices for hair transplants, compare the costs to other countries. Here is a quick Turkey hair transplant cost comparison to other locations around the world:

where is the cheapest hair transplant

  • North America (the United States and Canada) – $4,000 to $15,000
  • Switzerland – $9,100
  • Germany – $4,500
  • South Korea – $3,900

(Based on $2000 graft estimate)

The average Turkey hair transplant starts at about $1,500 for those number of grafts, providing a much more affordable option compared to any of the countries listed above.

Hair transplants are significantly cheaper in Turkey than in Europe or North America.

Why Is Turkey So Inexpensive for Hair Transplants?

Turkey is less expensive for hair transplants mostly due to the lower cost of living in the country and the value of the local currency compared to European and North American countries.

This has a knock-on affect on goods and services in the country.

For example, the average grocery prices in the United States are 120% higher compared to Turkey. You can also expect to pay 475% more for rent in the United States.

The Turkish Lira (TRY) is also valued lower compared to the Euro (EUR) and the U.S. Dollar (USD):

  • $1 USD = 5.75 TRY
  • €1 EUR = 6.32 TRY

In the end, the average Turkey hair transplant cost about $1,500 to $2,000, which is significantly less expensive compared to options in other countries. While the costs are less expensive, you still have access to highly skilled surgeons and well-equipped clinics.

How to minimise the cost of your hair transplantation

Now that you have decided to have a hair transplant, let’s go into more detail on how you can minimise unnecessary cost.

But remember, never minimise cost to the detriment of your procedure.


1. Book your own hotel and travel.


Most clinics in Turkey now have all-inclusive package where they book your hotel , travel and transfers in one go.

While this is convenient,  it is quite expensive compared to  doing it yourself.

I estimate,  that on average you can save up to to $400 by booking it yourself.

Turkey hair transplant packages

2. Book well in advance

It’s no secret that booking  you hotel,  travel and transfers several weeks in advance will save you a lot of money.

Also, try and avoid the peak holiday season in Turkey which is between May and September.

Booking from November to March is ideal.

3. Negotiate

Just like with any purchase or transaction,  you should always negotiate. if the clinic quotes you a price for a graft;  don’t immediately accept.   

Go and get some other quotes from similar clinics and compare.

If similar clinics seem a lot cheaper,  then go back to your favourite clinic and tell them.  This could force them to match their prices.

Off course don’t negotiate to ridiculous degrees,  because at the end of the day your priority is to end up with an excellent hair transplant and saving money is a secondary goal.

Turkey offers excellent cost-effective hair transplants

4. Minimise your stay

It’s tempting to stay in Turkey for a few days before or after your procedure;  but this will only add to your cost.

So unless you’ve always wanted a holiday in Turkey,  stay for the shortest period possible.

I would suggest you land on the day before your procedure,  and leave 48 hours after your procedure.  

Off course, consult with your clinic who will be able to assess if you are fit to travel after your procedure.

5. Consider cities other than Istanbul

Istanbul has the largest concentration of hair transplant surgeons;  

Cities like Ankara is still have some excellent surgeons.   And the advantage of those smaller cities is they are considerably cheaper than Istanbul.

They are cheaper for the amenities too.

6. Get the best exchange rate possible

Do very thorough research on the best exchange rate available.   usually these are from online sources.

Never rush into exchanging your currency on the day of your travel from the airport,  because the terrible exchange rate and commissions will eat away into your budget.

7. Pay with local currency

Wherever possible pay with local currency during your stay.   This will be much cheaper for you. 

cost of hair transplants in 2021 | An update

There are no indications hair transplant prices in Turkey have changed significantly in 2021.

But there has been other changes, namely in the way prices are packaged.

It seems more clinics are going with a tier pricing system.

For example, going from :

  • standard
  • premium
  • VIP

The higher tiered packages have greater surgeon involvement and are more expensive.  And the lower packages are mostly done by technicians.

Going forward from 2021 and into 2022, i expect this tier system will become more widespread.

I am a fan of this system, because it is more transparent and allows the client to know exactly what will happen in his/her procedure, and who will be involved.